Tuesday, March 30, 2010


So this is what really confusses me! Why do guys always talk to much smack and think there kool! They always think they can get every girl they want when really they cant. Most guys are all talk! Dont they know we have feelings too? Like when they brake up with us we do get hurt, when they cheat on us...all these things make us heart broken! I have always wanted to know that question. Why do guys do such stupid things? Hmm i wonder if i will ever get that question answered?


OMG! Im pretty sure i have the bestest friend ever! Well i recently went camping with her and her family...mann was is the bomb! Well when we got there we had to set up camp, "im pretty sure thats guys job" haha if you know what i mean. Well we got everything set up and ready to have a load of fun! We went to the park on the golf cart with alexix and her parents. I saw a swing and of course jumped up and ran twoards it...i wanted to make the swing higher and thats just what i did. So i was about to jump on and BAMB i miss the swing completly and fell on my botty! Hahah everyone was craking up! Her mom now calls me grace. Another time we were hiding from her parents and we saw canoos and ran over to them and hid under...well alexis had the brillant idea to lay on underneath the bars while the canoo was upside down. Well of course my canoo has to tip while im in it...OH DEAR! Then we went on a trail and omg there was a creek, so much fun! Alexis was sitting on the log and i wanted to go acroos and thats just what i did...but not knowing we would fall off the log into the feezing cold water! Ehhhh :) Hahah we have so many storys to tell!


Alright so where do i began? Okay so my friend had the need to blow up on me for noo reason! She may thinks its kool but honey i got a news flash for her, it aint cause i can just give it right back to her! She has the need to say im always blaming her for stuff and blah blah blah,ummm im pretty sure shes just making a fool of herself by saying thjat! She is always saying how she hates drama and doesnt want to start any but yet shes always bringing something up that will start it! I mean danng girl you need to practice what you preach! Ya know what im saying hahah :)


Have you ever just sat back and said ugh? Well i have a bunch of times. The one thing it is with is DRAMA and i hate it. What is the point of even haveing it...Like there is this one friend of mine who thinks she is the stuff when really everybody hates her and she even knows it! She acts like a totall slut and well basically she is one. She really just makes my head spin! She always feels the need to steel other peoples guys and just piss everyone off...well ya know what it works! I swear i think she is bypolar or something with all her mood swings!